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Eco living children's book Sunflower Kid

Sunflower Kid

vegan chidren's book Dolphin Girl

Dolphin Girl

Eco living, vegan children's book Sloth Boy

Sloth Boy


Ty's Organic Adventure

Stan the Plant-eater

Stan the Plant-eater

Stan the Plant -eater: A Trip to the Garden

Stan the Plant-eater: A Trip to the Garden

Children's fruit book, Stan the Plant-eater: A Trip to the Fruit Market

Stan the Plant-eater: A Trip to the Fruit Market




Stephen Bedwell Jr. is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner who educates children to eat a healthy whole food plant-based diet and encourages children to be environmentally friendly. He achieves this through creative and poetic stories that tug at the hearts and minds of children.


Stephen received a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice and has years of experience in the child welfare field where he has helped adults and children make positive life changes and confront difficult life situations. 

Stephen lives in Wisconsin where he enjoys planting fruit trees and growing different types of herbs in his giant spiral in the woods. In 2008, Stephen became interested in healthy living and quickly adopted a whole food plant-based diet. He does not shy away from carbohydrates and loves enjoying lots of fresh fruit.


Stephen is passionate about achieving and maintaining a healthy body, mind, and environment. He firmly believes that when we embrace compassion for ourselves, others, and the environment we create an amazing life for all.


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Choose Organic Food

Books of Value

Have you ever struggled to find a book for a child that matches your values? Look no further. Here is a wonderful collection by author Stephen Bedwell Jr. Each book provides an educational journey filled with healthful living and compassion while being grounded in morals. 

Vegan Kids Books by Stephen Bedwell Jr.

Check out Stephen's newest book: Ty's Organic Adventure!


Join Ty on a fun and educational journey about the importance of choosing organic plant foods. It all begins at the grocery store where Ty learns how to identify produce that is organic. His mom continues the adventure by taking him to observe and compare a conventional farm with Farmer Dwayne’s abundant organic farm that is teaming with life. Ty has an enlightening experience by seeing the vast difference and is excited to choose organic plant foods.

News and Events


For any media inquiries, questions or comments, please contact:

“We always want our bodies and the Earth to be healthy.

We want the animals to always be loved and live free.”


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